
The following e-Books were written by Erik Wiegardt. They may be read without cost or obligation. It is hoped that by making these e-Books freely available, you will be encouraged to study and practice this great and ancient philosophy today, and every day, for the rest of your life.

Honor Camp Honor Camp was written in 1996 while the author was a Correctional Deputy in a work camp, a medium security jail run by the San Diego County Probation Department. This time and place was the setting where the Stoic Registry and revival of the Stoa was begun.

Handbook The Stoic Handbook After the self-published Path of the Sage was gone this handbook was written for members of the Stoic Registry community who wanted more information on Stoicism. For many years, this book was posted on the Registry website and given away as a PDF file.

Doubt The Book of Doubt After several years of corresponding with Stoics who came to the Stoic Registry from all over the world, the author woke up one day and doubted everything he had done. With a single reference from his mentor, the author began a study of skeptical philosophy from the present back to its origins in ancient Greece.

32doctrines 32 Principal Doctrines of the Stoa After several years of studying and embracing true skepticism, Pyrrhonism, the author returned to Stoicism and focused on essential principals, the nuts and bolts of the philosophy from the divine to the individual in a concise analysis of essential Stoic Physics, Logic, and Ethics.

Mount Whitney Battle of Mount Whitney and other Essays This work has more than 40 short essays, stories, and allegories about Stoicism in real world situations. This is a book about practice, not theory, and many show how difficult applied philosophy can be. To paraphrase Epictetus, theory is easy; practice is hard.

Death by Gangrene Death by Gangrene and other Essays At first glance this book of essays may appear to be a collection of old and new essays cobbled together to make a book. But it is more than that. Much more. It is a link or bridge between traditional Stoic thought and new ideas.

SAM Manual Stick Action Meditation Manual Faster than Yoga, stronger than Tai Chi, Stick Action Meditation (SAM) is stretching, strengthening, and meditation all at the same time.

Stoic Meditations Stoic Meditations This work contains four meditations: Pneuma Will Power Meditation—the original form created by the author; Levels of Awareness, a description and meditation on four kinds of experience; a meditation on journaling; and, Heraclitus Koans.

Monastery of One A Monastery of One (MOO) This is the "public edition" of the original memoir by the author that is part of the training program of Stoic monastery novitiates. This memoir spans 35 years of exploring the inner realms of consciousness.

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